ICCROM Mora Samples Collection

Access Policy

The collection is accessible upon request to users. To obtain access to the physical samples, users need to contact ICCROM’s Archivist in advance and submit a proposal regarding the requested use of the collection.

Proposals should be structured as follows: Goals; Objectives; Study methodology; Deliverables and dissemination plan; Resources required; Duration; Applicants wishing to undertake the study.

Proposals are assessed according to the following criteria: Need; Potential impact to the field of heritage conservation; Potential impact to the collection; Scientific excellence of the proposal; Feasibility; Relevance to ICCROM’s mission

Applicants must submit a project according to the proposal structure outlined above. This will be internally reviewed and a final decision will be communicated in writing to the applicant. Prior to accessing the collection, accepted applicants must sign a User Access Agreement.

Permitted Use

Consultation, photographic documentation, analysis (non-destructive, non-invasive analytical techniques). Users are allowed to bring their own equipment for documentation and analysis.


Samples may not be removed from ICCROM premises and may not be subject to handling or procedures that could cause damage to the collection.

The collection can only be accessed during the working hours of ICCROM and when the Archivist (or other designated responsible person) is present on ICCROM premises. Access times must be agreed in advance and are limited according to the human resources available within ICCROM.

For logistical and safety reasons, access to the collection is permitted only to individuals and small groups one at a time.


No fees are applied for research access to the collection.

Handling of samples

Many of the samples are physically fragile and/or were collected from untreated objects, which presents a major research value. Therefore, ultimate care and attention should be paid at all times when handling the samples to avoid any physical damage or disaggregation, or contamination of the sample. Moreover, as sample ID numbers are not physically attached to the samples, extreme care must be taken to ensure that samples are not disassociated from their ID number.


• Users are allowed a maximum of three sample items at any one time.

• The original order of the sample storage must be respected. Users must not rearrange the sample collection. Therefore, sample boxes may only be retrieved or returned to the storage system by the archivist (or other designated responsible person).

• To minimize physical disturbance to the samples, where possible, examination of the samples should be undertaken without removing the sample from its housing.

• To avoid contaminating the samples, users should refrain from touching the samples with their bare hands. Consequently, the use of laboratory gloves or suitable handling aids (e.g. forceps) is required.

• Similarly, the application of any materials to the samples (including removable adhesive labels), or the use of chemicals in the vicinity of the samples is prohibited.

• To avoid risk of dissociation or loss, samples must be kept within the study space agreed.

• The collection may only be accessed in the presence of the archivist or other designated responsible person, unless otherwise agreed with the Archivist.

• If any damage occurs to the samples, the Archivist should be informed immediately.

Data sharing

Data produced by the researcher

An important aspect of ICCROM’s mission is to disseminate scientific knowledge and information for the benefit of heritage conservation. Therefore, use of the Mora Samples Collection is granted with the understanding that the research undertaken will be shared.

ICCROM promotes FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse) and Open data practices, and encourages users to provide open access to data resulting from access services. Hence, users are expected to make their publications available through open access repositories.

To enrich further studies made using the collection, ICCROM endeavours to gather data generated through its use and make this available for the benefit of future researchers.


• Digital copies of finalized data produced using the collection should be provided to ICCROM, with an embargo period on the further use or distribution of the data by ICCROM of 3 years unless otherwise agreed.

• Researchers must notify ICCROM of any publications deriving from the use of the collection, and provide ICCROM with copies thereof. Links to Open Access publications concerning the collection will be included in the Mora Samples Collection Catalogue.

• Digital data and publication copies should be submitted to ICCROM’s Archivist (archive@iccrom.org).

Reproduction of data held by ICCROM

• Requests for copies of data held by ICCROM (records, including photographs) associated with the collection must be made to the Archivist in writing.

• Reproductions are provided for individual research use, and may not be further distributed to third parties, such as individuals or other repositories.

• Digital photography is permitted for research purposes. Self-service photography is free.

• ICCROM reserves the right to refuse any reproduction request if these records are at risk of damage or alteration through the copying process. This applies in particular to extremely fragile material.

Publication and acknowledgements

Researchers are required to cite ICCROM in the dissemination of their research on the Mora Samples Collection:

• When images and data associated with the collection owned by ICCROM are published or cited in publications, users are requested to use the following form of acknowledgment: “With permission of ICCROM Archives”.

• Additionally, to cite any of the records held in the Mora Samples Collection Catalogue, please use the following citation format: <Author>, <Sample ID reference>, ICCROM Archives. URL (<Access date>.)

• Researchers wishing to use any images from the catalogue must credit the author and copyright as it appears in the figure subtitle. For further queries concerning the use of the images and data held by ICCROM Archives please contact: archive@iccrom.org.

Protection of intellectual property

ICCROM retains copyright license of the Mora Samples Collection and on all data (including images) associated with the collection that are the property of ICCROM.


• All images in the Mora Samples Collection Catalogue are copyrighted ICCROM, unless otherwise credited.

• Images and data associated with the catalogue and owned by ICCROM can be used under a Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence. 

When accessing the ICCROM Laboratory, users are required to adhere to laboratory health and safety principles.

Accordingly users:

• May not work alone in laboratory spaces.

• May not bring food or drink into the laboratory.

• Are required to wear appropriate laboratory attire (including footwear) and PPE (if needed).

Users shall be responsible for their own insurances in regard to their equipment and personnel over the period of the access. ICCROM reserves the right to request a proof of insurances.

Ethical behaviour and research integrity

Users of the Mora Samples Collection are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that is respectful towards the materials and information consulted.

In addition to adhering by the conditions of the User Access Agreement signed with ICCROM, users are required to:

· Demonstrate the highest standards of research integrity.

· Protect the integrity of archival material accessed and thus guarantee that it continues to be reliable evidence of the past.

· Behave with respect towards the information found in the archives. In particular, users shall make use of any personal data contained therein in compliance with respect for individuals’ dignity and privacy, and shall be responsible for keeping such information confidential from third parties.

· Record, and be able to justify, their actions on the archival material.

· Refrain from any use of the information and materials supplied that violates the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence or that is unlawful.