The Collection Digital Catalogue

The database is a tribute to Paolo and Laura Mora’s legacy and it is intended that it will grow and be enhanced over time with more information about the samples.
The database is the result of several years’ work. It contains a record of every sample in the collection with associated data found in the ICCROM Archives and through online research. Despite the intensive work undertaken, for many of the samples, the available information is not yet complete. Many lacunae are present which we hope can be filled in the years ahead. We welcome all contributions from specialists who have links to the collection, and all the users are invited to provide feedback to help us improve and correct if necessary the uploaded information.
If you wish to cite any of the records in the database, please use the following citation format:
<Author>, <’sample ID reference‘>, ICCROM Archives. URL (<Access date>.)
For example:
M. Gil, ‘MRA-ITA-Ass001’, ICCROM Archives. (Accessed on <date>)
To cite mission or scientific records, please use:
<Author(s)>, <Title>, <Report Ref>. ICCROM Archives (year) (unpublished), URL (Accessed on <date>)
Currently the database comprises over 3 000 images of the samples within the collection. These were taken of the front, reverse and profile surfaces of the samples to give the most complete overview of their features. The images are saved in TIFF format in high resolution, with a maximum image size of 2.500 pixels (equivalent to 20 cm when printed at 300 dpi). Additionally, the database contains photos from ICCROM Archives and other governmental and private entities.
The images of the samples available on this platform can be used under a Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license. If you wish to use any of these images you must credit the author and copyright as it appears in the figure subtitle. If you have any queries concerning the use of the images and data or wish to use any other photo held by ICCROM Archives please contact:
Any document in pdf format in the database is ICCROM Archives copyright and cannot be used without permission. For queries and permissions please contact: